Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some Random Thoughts.

Last night the three of us (yes, all three of us!) went to a pizza joint for dinner up the street from us that we can walk to. Finn had had a rough day of little naplets and general fussiness (hopefully our nanny won't quit on us!), so it really was a risky endeavor but it was worth it! He did great, as long as he had a spoon in his hand. And he sure did charm the rest of the guests that were close by. 

I'm loving being in these pics with my darling boy. It's rare these days, so I'm soaking it up.

On another note, has anyone ever tried these Aveeno facial cleanser wipes? These days I'll admit that there's nights I barely get myself to bed and I'm lucky to brush my teeth and take out my contacts. These have come in so handy for a quick face wash to get my make-up off before bed. And to top it off, they leave my face smelling sooo good! I just had to share the love. 

Lately I've been into almond flour. Have you ever tried baking with it? It's so yummy and light! I've made quite a few lovely baked goods: pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bars and bread. Baking has actually been a surprisingly enjoyable and easier task for me these days, as long as there's not too many ingredients. I can multitask with it (i.e. watch Finn, do laundry, etc.) and clean up as I go. I need to slow down though so I don't become too addicted.....

And lastly, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lovely sister. 
Miss you and love you dearly! Strut those Uggs proudly, and strut them all 
the way to Greenville. I'm sure you'll look fantastic in them!

That's it for today! Watch out...tomorrow the Finnster is 5 months! Yes, that's right, 5 months!



Lyle said...

Happy Birthday Brooke!

natasha {schue love} said...

Ahhh I can't believe Finn is already 5 months! He's so darn cute! :)