Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I saw a post of confessions done on Kelly's blog and really liked the idea and thought I'd give it a whirl myself. I tried to put up a picture of myself too, but found I really don't have many, and don't have any without the snuggle puppy in them! Can't complain about that though:)

Here I go.

1) I'm obsessed with sweeping/cleaning our floors. I sweep 1-2 times per day, maybe more but it's never enough. Clean floors help me to have a clean mind!

2) The moment I sit down on the couch these days, I fall asleep....and I try to hide it from Lyle and pretend that I'm still awake cause I'm so embarrassed! We've been trying to get into Downton Abby together and I like it, but I just can't stay awake past the opening scenes most nights.

3) I've been box dying my hair lately. It's cheap and I think I can get away with it....my hair dresser is even on board with it. I may have to go in soon though for a real "touch up". 

4) I'm dead set on saving up my "fun" money to get an ipad mini for me and the snuggle puppy. It's so fun to see how he's learning cause and effect in different ways and the iphone is just not enough! Plus, it's a good excuse for me to have one.

5) I'm bound and determined to feel like myself again, and if it means I need to slowly give up breast feeding, so be it. Finn's starting to whine down anyway, so what better time to accept this and get my butt into gear? No excuses. 

6) Life's been rough lately. I think I do a pretty good job at managing us 3, but when it goes beyond our little circle....I suck. I have a hard time returning phone calls and emails, managing any bit of a social life because we have a tight schedule with naps and such and it takes so much energy; I love work though it's a great obstacle right now. My hobbies/little loves basically don't exist: I love clothes and fashion however right now I could really care less, my hobby of fixing up our house doesn't exist, I have to make myself cook because it's been so tough finding time without the S.P. pulling on my leg meanwhile getting the ingredients from the store is a huge endeavor. And blogging...well every time I sit down to....he wakes up early from his nap (he just woke up!). That's my major confession and I'm not complaining, just confessing. I love life right now, but it's different. 

Any confessions?


1 comment:

Brooke S. said...

Just so you know, your normal. Love you and can't wait to see you and the SP.