Saturday, May 19, 2012

I've digressed....

I have to admit that I've digressed from my favorite morning drink. I've gone from coffee to tea. Specifically Earl Grey tea with a good sized splash of vanilla almond milk. Mmmmmm, so very good. If you're looking for a switch with a little less caffeine and a good dose of calcium, this has been a winner for me. 

My friend Camille got me hooked on almond milk. Her family of 3 boys basically solely drinks it versus cow's milk. What convinced me to switch was that the calcium content in almond milk is so much higher than in regular milk, and with being pregnant I was trying to find every way to increase my intake (Funny, as I'm writing this there's a commercial on TV for Silk almond milk. Something I've never seen before). 

I like to use these brands. I originally just drank Silk brand, but found Almond Breeze was cheaper so I switched for the vanilla flavor. I like to use this in my tea or coffee when I have it. 

For my cereal I prefer to cut back on the calories and sugar. Silk just recently came out with this unsweetened vanilla flavor that only has 35 calories per serving. The vanilla is just a hint. Pretty good deal, huh? 

Now,  I still buy regular milk as well. Just not as frequently. I haven't converted Lyle from traditional milk, nor will I really try. In addition, it's nice to have the old stuff around for cooking and baking. I accidentally made some eggs one day with the vanilla flavor and quickly realized it was a bad move.

Just add some to this and it's a little bit of heaven! I'm even passing up my Starbucks lattes these days when meeting up with friends...just bringing mine from home. Yum.

Hey, maybe you should try it for your Saturday morning drink!

Happy Saturday.



Jenni said...

:) we're so on the same page! It's the exact same at our house too. After experimenting with flax milk, rice milk and almond milk, the almond is the winner hands down! I like TJ's almond milk. My sis swears by Almond Breeze too so I need to try it!

Lauren said...

Yay for almond milk!!

LL said...

Love almond milk! Even Jonathan likes it nope. Lyle might come around yet... Not that milk is bad unless you are lactose sensitive. Almond breeze also
Has an unsweetened vanilla at 40 calories. Curious though... Does silk have more calcium? Almond breeze has 30%, same as cow's milk. I have a friend who made this chart on benefits and draw backs on all these different types of milk. I can send it to you. Oh, and aimsilk also provides antioxidants (vit E) that you don't get from almond milk!
Your tea concoction looks wonderful!!!