Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Surprise Shower for Lyle!

Lyle & I got home last night to a surprise on our front porch. There was a big box waiting for us from a friend of Lyle's back home in Grants Pass. We knew we were supposed to keep our eyes out for a gift arriving from his friend Stacey, but we didn't know that she really meant a "shower in a box" from all his friends back home that he grew up with! They all met up together, including Lyle's parents, and had a shower in Lyle's honor. Lyle got to have his very own shower! 

As we read & looked at the picture book they'd taken of the event, I couldn't help but start bawling! And in turn Lyle did too! It was the most thoughtful surprise I could imagine. As a woman, you get to have all these special events for the monumental moments in your life: wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and baby showers. In the whole process you get spoiled with tons of lovely gifts; to the husband it seems as though they are all for you (but really they are for the both of you. You just get to be the one to open the gifts & have the parties thrown in your honor). If you're lucky, you're able to somehow sneak in a couple's shower or something of the sort. We tried to do something like that here in Greenville, but it wasn't going to work out. I've been blessed with three showers so far (here & here...one more post to come from this past weekend) where we (myself & the 2 boys) have all been spoiled beyond belief with amazing gifts for our little bundle. But this was the icing on the cake, for Lyle to feel so loved and remembered. It was such a joy to sit back and watch his face as he opened his gifts. He loved them all!

 Riley, as always, has to know exactly what is going on & to be involved.....

 A surprise balloon!

 We have to watch out for this little guy. He loves balloon ribbons. We've had to take him to the ER before after swallowing one.......Such a curious cat.
 An old favorite of Lyle's!

Bad shot Lauren.....here's a more in focus picture of the darling monkey hat for our little monkey to come.

 Changing stations for around the house! What a great idea.
 Lyle & his own prestocked diaper man-bag. Just what the doc ordered.

 He loves this little onesie & keeps talking about it....reminding me that the men are going to be out-numbering the women in the house very soon....
 With all his loot.

Such a fun surprise to come home to on a Monday night. Thank you Oregon gang.....we couldn't be more grateful or feel more loved! Thanks for thinking of my Lyle!

One disclaimer: we were in such shock and unprepared that we forgot to write down gifts for thank you notes as we were opening them. Afterwards we quickly backtracked and tried to remember what was from whom, but may have missed a couple things. Please forgive us if we make a mistake. Just know we are so overwhelmed with your thoughtfulness and generosity!



Stacey said...

Yay!! Thank you so much for posting this photo session, Lauren!! After I mailed the box, I thought - oh no! I should have included a note that mentioned that none of us know what the others got for you!

Reading this and seeing the pictures was as much fun as being there in person... so appreciated!


Lauren said...

Thank you Stacey! I can't tell you how much that meant to us. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. I figured you all didn't get to "see" the gifts, so hopefully everyone can check them out here. I hope all is well and thanks again:) Stay tuned for upcoming baby pics....a little down the road.
