Wednesday, January 4, 2012

20 Weeeeeks! 1/2 Way There!

20 out of 40! Whoohoo! Half way there. Wow. We have a lot to do now. The holidays are over and we are officially over the hill and on the count down now. Preparation for this little guy has not begun but will now start. It's all a little overwhelming but very exciting! Now is the time; the nursery needs to get underway and we have a few major items we need to get for this little darling. This weekend will be the kick off as we paint the office...I know, not the nursery but part of the deal and needs to get done.

As far as me, I'm feeling great! Our little decided to finally pop out in the last week and a half and I can officially say that I'm showing. Between 18 and 20 weeks, the baby grows a lot in weight and size....and this was evident here.

Sleep has been my only issue lately. I have a hard time getting comfortable and often wake up at 2 or 3 o'clock and lay there trying to fall back asleep for 3 hours or so. I've started using that time to, hey, blog!, read, or surf the web. I often wish the gym would just be open so I could go then....but then I fall back asleep right as it opens!

Clothing has begun to change for me! I have officially moved into maternity pants and some shirts. I no longer want to try to fit into my normal jeans and clothes. Maternity wear is so much more comfortable! I've been fortunate enough to have friends lend me some clothes, my mother gave me a couple shirts for Christmas, and I've found some great after Christmas deals that I took advantage of. I really don't want to buy too much though, especially since I can't wear it for long after Little arrives.

Did I mention how much I love Little's little kicks and movement? He's an active little guy. I love it when he lets me know he's here. 

Oh, and I mentioned going to the gym. Yupp. I started doing that a couple weeks ago and I'm loving it. It feels so good to get my heart rate up again and sweat a little. I miss running dearly, but the gym has been a nice replacement with a daily walk outside. My butt and thighs have started to recognize that my body's pregnant, so the workouts have been good for them!

Lyle, he's handling this all with grace! He's selfishly giving up space on the bed for all the millions of pillows I've been needing, though continues to struggle with the husband replacement pillow....aka the body pillow!

And then there's Maddy. She's not quite sure what to think of all of this. Look at her staring at my big belly. I often find her snuggling up to it at night.....snug between me and the body pillow. I know she senses something is going to change in our lives; she's getting quite needy.


1 comment:

danielle said...

Oh my goodness! I love the belly shots! You look so great and I know how excited you must be to finally be showing!
Can't wait to see pictures as you begin decorating the nursery!