Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Smashed Pea Pasta & Grilled Peaches

Another yummy dish last night. I was inspired to do a vegetarian dish thanks to my friend, Janae, that briefly flew in last night for a visit while in Greenville for a layover. She's a pilot, so I got to steal her away from the hotel for the night and hold her captive while testing my cooking out on her. Good thing she's easy to please. It was so simple, actually Real Simple of course, and pretty to look at to top it off.
So here it is:
Pasta With Smashed Peas

I did a couple of things differently. I did not add the extra ricotta cheese at the end, though sprinkled it with an asagio, parmesan cheese blend. I also used Trader Joes lemon and black pepper pappardelle noodles to give an extra bit of flavor. I meant to add fresh basil from the garden, but forgot in the midst of some good conversation and sips of wine. Mint would have also been a nice touch. We had some grilled okra on the side for a veggie. I picked up some fresh okra at the Saturday Market on Saturday. Just wrap it up in some foil, add some olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder and stick it on the grill. Lyle's getting really good at the grill these days.

I think the best part of the meal was dessert! My fresh yummy peaches were quickly going bad, so I halved them, brushed them with a bit of olive oil, sprinkled a little salt, then Lyle slapped them on the cooling grill. When they come off, I sprinkled a bit of sugar on top and yummm! I think this is my new favorite dessert. They looked a bit like this. I hope you try it some time.
Grilled-Peach Sundaes
So here's to good friends & family, yummy-fresh southern summer time produce, and of course a good glass of wine.


1 comment:

Lyle said...

Dinner was great as always! Light and fresh. I must say the peaches were the best part. It is too bad you gotta wait 11 months for a month of those tasty treats.