Monday, September 24, 2012

4 Months!

Finnley, today you are 4 months old! What a big boy. -a little tear from mom- You are growing so fast right before our eyes, and what a little joy you've been for us. You have the most contagious smile, in our eyes, and a laugh that melts our hearts. 

This last month you started: rolling over like crazy!, sleeping through the night, reaching and grabbing everything you see so you can explore it & get to know it, spending days away from Mommy while she goes to work, spending nights alone with Dad when Mom works at REI, playing in your Rainforest Jump Jumperoo, petting the kitties, becoming camera shy, and going to the nursery at church and charming all the ladies (big step for mom!). You even went on your first airplane ride to Seattle!

I pray for you every night, snugglepuppy, that you learn to love Jesus and that we can all demonstrate his love for you. 

I  can't wait for what this next month of life brings for you.

Love you like crazy. So much it hurts,



natasha {schue love} said...

Gosh he's, really really cute!!

Lauren said...

Thanks Natasha! I can say the same about your little guy:)