Monday, July 30, 2012

2 Months.

Finnie Minnie, You just finished your second month of life! It was a big one for sure. I never thought I could love you more than I did a month ago, but I do and I know that love will continue to astound me. This past month was a test of patience for me and once again God taught me to let go of control. You barely napped unless we were in the stroller or car and I tried and tried to get you to nap at home. I gave that up, but now you're starting to get into a nap routine! I also tried tricks to get you to sleep through the night and at first I thought they worked, but then they back fired on me. Once again, I had to step back and let you take your own course....with a little guidance from me of course.

This last month you grew so much and hit so many milestones! I have to say my favorite is your ever growing and constant smile. You also hold your head up so strong and are demonstrating great core control for your age. It must be because you love tummy time so much! 

I must make a list of the things you LOVE before this mommy forgets:

  • your changing table: you could stay there for days and smile and laugh with me or daddy
  • your little gym (of which little miss Maddy thinks is hers as well): you enjoy batting & talking with your birdie friends
  • your Bob: oh how we love the Bob stroller! What would we do without it? It's been our little saving grace. Many miles have already been put on that piece.
  • the hammock: you and dad love to hang out in the hammock; it's become a favorite pass time for the two of you.
  • going out to the pub for guys' night out: you are such a great sport buddy.
  • dancing to old school hip hop with mommy & daddy in the kitchen
The list goes on and on. It's been so much fun to watch you grow and smile. My favorite times with you are in the early morning when you first wake up. You've started to give me big grins when I pick you up out of your crib; it makes my heart melt. And I love changing your diaper; you laugh and seem to tease me with your wiggles. You are so sweet my dear baby boy. God has truly blessed us with you. You make my heart happy.



Stacey said...

Oh so cute!!

kellyhicks said...

Aww what a sweetie! Dancing in the kitchen is the best :D