Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Christmas Tree.

We started decorating for Christmas last week....and it's taken us until Sunday night to get it mostly done! Saturday after Thanksgiving we picked out our tree, Tuesday night we brought it in the house and got the lights put on, but not until this last Sunday night did we actually decorate! We went to a Christmas music event at church then came home to decorate and drink hot chocolate. It feels like Christmas....finally! Here's a peak into our little process.

With the lights on....lovely....

But not quite as lovely as the finished product.
And doesn't that Riley cat look perfect under there? He's like an extra ornament. Oh how the cats love Christmas. And our window display of our Christmas cards....yours could be there too! Keep 'um coming! Ours are about to go out. I just need to get more stamps at the post office today. Keep on the look out!
 Not such a great shot, but this is Lyle's favorite candle mobile.....and a little nativity scene up on the shelf (though you can't really spot it).
Are you all decorated yet? Getting in the spirit?


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