It's going to be a very hot one today.....yikes. It reminds me of Seattle days when it's rainy and you get to sit around inside and curl up on the couch to read or watch movies, though not quite as cozy due to the heat. Or maybe that's my way of making myself feel better for doing what I've been doing. I know I've mentioned before, but I'm addicted right now to the show Brothers & Sisters. This show always hooks me at the end by leaving the episode hanging and since I am able to stream it through Net Flix I can watch them endlessly if I choose. This I haven't done yet, though have come close. It makes me laugh and cry (mostly cry), want to stand around the kitchen with family and friends while I cook and drink really good wine. If I were younger right now, I'd probably be convinced that Lyle and I should have 5 children...but I think we'll be getting a late start to strive for that number. But most of all it reminds me of how important family and our marriages are, and how we need to protect and nurture them. I'm learning, not just through this show but through my short stint of marriage as well, that we need to constantly be striving to nurture and improve our marriage. It's so easy to get comfortable and think we have it made, but I think we and our spouses deserve more than that. How can I better serve, love, support, and surprise? Where can I let go? What makes him really happy and feel loved? When I get stuck in the daily routine, it's so easy to forget about these things and just continue to move forward. But I've always been one that's reveled in the small things in life; I don't want to forget that because the small things are really the big things. Can you tell I love my husband? Because I do! Anyway, if you're looking for a new show to get hooked into, I recommend this one. Just fold laundry or pay the bills while you watch it. Then you won't feel so guilty for turning the TV on. That's what I do.
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